Journalism Training

The UpTake believes in using community journalism to build racial and social justice. As part of our mission we provide free community journalism education and training opportunities across the Twin Cities and online, always open to all. You can check out our calendar for information on our upcoming trainings.

The UpTake currently offers community journalism trainings developed by the Journalism of Color Training Center.

Trainings offered include:

Journalism of Color: Racial and Social Justice: This discussion and journalism training discusses the racial and social justice (and injustice) implications of community journalism.

Introduction to Community Journalism: This training introduces participants to community journalism through a discussion-packed, experiential two-hour training. Participants have the opportunity to explore the role that journalism can play in helping a community build power, the processes of community journalism, and the connections between community journalism and community building.

Community Journalism: Relationship-Building: A key element of authentic community journalism is our capacity to build relationships with each other. This training discusses how and why we center relationship-building in community journalism work, with a focus on best practices.
Community Journalism: Best Practices for Justice in Journalism: There are specific practices that we can use in our community journalism that help us to build racial and social justice through our work. This discussion-packed and experiential training will focus on best practices that we can use as community journalists committed to racial and social justice.

Community Journalism: Ethics, Objectivity, and Equity: Ethics, objectivity, and our innate biases play a unique role in the community newsroom, even more so in a community newsroom that centers racial and social justice. This training will open up a discussion on ethics in community journalism: what journalistic ethics are, what ethical questions we ask as community journalists, and how we communicate those values and ethics to our larger community.

Community Journalism and Social Movements: Power, Tension, and Relationships: Journalism and community organizing are often seen as two ideas that exist in opposition to each other. However community journalism and community organizing are closely intertwined. This training discusses the concepts of power, tension, and relationships within the work of community organizing and community journalism. We also discuss the intersections and conflicts between community journalism and community organizing.

Community Journalism and Social Movements: Intersections, Tensions, and Challenges: Community journalism has a unique role within social movements. This training explores the role and the responsibilities of community journalists committed to equitable coverage of social movements. This discussion-packed training uses real-world examples and experiential training activities as part of our discussion.

Other Training Opportunities

The UpTake also offers itself as a training partner for Twin Cities organizations looking to explore and make use of community journalism in their own efforts to build racial and social justice. Please email us for more information on possible opportunities and costs.


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