Don’t Let the Moment Pass, says civil rights leader Josie Johnson

Story and Video by Bill Sorem

Josie Johnson spoke at the Minneapolis League of Women Voters 2019 Annual Meeting in North Minneapolis. Johnson, active civil rights leader, former acting director of the Minneapolis Urban League, University vice president and provost, and the first Black Regent at the University of Minnesota spoke to LWV members and friends at the Annual Meeting, June 11, 2019.

Ms. Johnson has written a new memoir, “Hope in the Struggle,” recently published. She stayed after the speech to sign copies a hundred or so LWV members.

She called upon her many decades of civic involvement with the League of Women Voters, the Urban league and other activist groups to exhort the current members to continue the struggle for justice and freedom. She closed, saying, “Don’t let the moment pass, We need your critical thinking skills, we need your knowledge. We need that energy to everything we do. And awe need you to remember who we are!”

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