House Elections Committee Discusses Expanded Access to On-Campus Polling Places – Notes from Feb. 14 House Elections Finance and Policy Committee

In a Feb. 14 House Elections Finance and Policy committee meeting, legislators discussed House File 3347 which would allow for…
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Minnesota Capitol Building

Livetweet: House Elections Finance and Policy Committee, Jan. 5

On Jan. 5, the Minnesota House Elections Finance and Policy Committee met. On the agenda was an overview from a…
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Somali-American Candidate Combats Alt-Right Attacks With Youtube Song

Minneapolis Ward 6 city council candidate Suud Olat received alt-right attacks against his campaign early on and decided to combat…
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Video Replay: Rep. Angie Craig’s First Town Hall

“There’s a lot of pent-up demand in this district,” said Congresswoman Angie Craig (DFL-MN) as a number of people were still lined up to ask questions as her first town hall was minutes away from its scheduled one-hour end time. Craig had been critical of Rep. Jason Lewis (R-MN), who she defeated last fall, for…

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