Study: Corn Ethanol Production Destroying Wildlife Habitat

Wildlife habitat near corn-ethanol refineries has been destroyed at a fast pace since a federal law was passed to produce…
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Wolf Supporters Rally For Hunting Ban

Defenders of wolves raised a howl at the Capitol for Wolf Day 2017. They want the legislature to repeal the…
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Minnesotans Struggle to Find Healthy Food

Lawmakers are considering funding the Good Food Access Program. It was approved last year to help end some of the…
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New Executive Order Called “Threat” to Environmental Safeguards

Environmental advocates say a new executive order issued by President Trump threatens clean air and water safeguards and puts communities…
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MN Mobile Food Pantries in Need of More Funding

Minnesota's population is aging, particularly in rural areas, where many seniors don't have easy access to grocery stores. One solution…
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Federal Agencies Stop Twin Metals Mining Plans Near BWCA – Public Pressure Led To Decision

Environmentalists are hailing a decision from the Obama administration to deny Twin Metals Minnesota's application for renewal of two sulfide…
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Rural Minnesotans Talk Climate Change Priorities

How will Minnesota's rural communities weather climate change in the coming years? Rural Minnesotans, including farmers, are discussing their priorities…
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Rally crowd size growing in Copenhagen

More and more people are showing up in Copenhagen’s Parliament Square to support a climate change agreement in the COP15…
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