GOP Roofless Vikings Stadium Called A “Punt”

By: Michael McIntee, UpTake Reporter

Grab your favorite sports analogy to describe the Vikings stadium battle at the Minnesota legislature. A just revealed Republican plan to have the state pay only for “infrastructure” in a new stadium has been described by Democrats as a “punt.” More importantly, the Vikings who would need to shoulder the rest of the costs said it was too late to start redesigning the stadium to make it roof less or “roof ready.”

The plan would not use gambling dollars, but bonding…which means it must have a super majority of the legislature for it to pass, which lessens the chances that it will have enough votes.

Click to watch videos of Republicans unveiling the plan, Democrats railing against it and the Vikings saying it won’t work.

Above: video of Republican leaders unveiling their new stadium “infrastructure only” plan.
Below: Representative Jim Davnie (DFL-Minneapolis) calls the Republican plan a “punt.” Vikings Vice President Lester Bagley says the proposal is too late in the game.

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