New Documentary Highlights Campaign That Defeated Anti-Gay Amendment

Nov. 6, 2012 marked the first time a voters of a state turned back a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage.…
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LOVE IS THE LAW: Minnesota Finally Gets Marriage Equality. For Everyone.

Opponents of same-sex marriage in Minnesota warned that legalizing marriage for all would have "unintended consequences." It turns out they…
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A New Day In Minnesota: In the Name of Love

"It's not time to pour the champagne yet," Rep. Steve Simon told a raucous throng celebrating after the vote in…
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Even In Death, No Equal Rights For Gays And Lesbians

Minnesota Republicans reject a proposal that would have allowed domestic partners the same access to a deceased partners' medical records…
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Second Attempt To Repeal Anti-Gay Marriage Amendment Fails

DFL lawmakers make a second attempt to repeal the Minnesota constitutional amendment on marriage that is on this fall's ballot,…
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