"What I don't think black and brown people recognize is that you do have power, but only power in numbers,"…
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The "occupy wall street" style of amplifying the public's voice was used to disrupt and express displeasure over Minnesota legislation…
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"Mean spirited" and "humiliating" to poor people is how Ebony Harris describes a Minnesota proposed law requiring 60-days residency to…
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"Provisional balloting" is now part of a proposed Minnesota constitutional amendment requiring a photo ID to vote, however public testimony…
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The reason college students are deeply in debt and graduate without a job is because some of them shouldn't be…
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150 years after the Dakota War, the war remains a wound that has yet to heal. We watch a special…
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More than 300 Minnesotans gathered at the State Capitol and at Wells Fargo Place in downtown Saint Paul to raise…
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Occupy organizers say corporate money has too big of an influence on Minnesota's government and there needs to be reforms.
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The Catholic Archdiocese of Minneapolis & St. Paul and the Catholic Dioceses of New Ulm contributed $700,000 last year to…
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Dr. Martin Luther King would have embraced the Occupy Wall Street movement and spoken out against the current exploitative economic…
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