Column: Chauvin Murder Trial Resumes in Wake of Police Killing 20 year-old #DaunteWright, with Week 2 Recap

By: Marjaan Sirdar, host of the People Power Podcast and Freelance Columnist

The Derek Chauvin murder trial resumed Monday, after 26 year-veteran Kim Potters of the Brooklyn Center police shot and killed Daunte Wright, amid new public unrest. Mel Reeves, from the Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder, was inside the courtroom during the second week and gives insight into the second week in the Chauvin murder trial.

“The system is on trial. …[But] we can expect the defense to continue to put George Floyd on trial.”

– Mel Reeves, veteran activist 

Watch the full episode below of the People Power Podcast, hear activist and journalist Mel Reeves’ take on what’s happening and what to look for in the final days of the Chauvin murder trial.

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