Fare For All: Affordable Healthy Oasis In A Food Desert

"What if we made the good food affordable?" At Fare For All the good healthy food costs the same or…
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Kindred Kitchen Helps Food Entrepreneurs Get A Start

A one-of-a kind non-profit is providing a launching pad for healthy food businesses in North Minneapolis —  a "food desert"…
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Federal Court Orders Greater Oversight of Dakota Access Pipeline

A judge has ordered greater oversight measures for the Dakota Access Pipeline. The decision comes in the wake of the…
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Enbridge Line 3 Pipeline Resistance Heats Up In Minnesota

A march and rally are planned Thursday for the only public hearings in the Twin Cities on Enbridge's controversial proposal…
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Recipe for MN Wild Rice Harvest: Just Add Clean Water

The wild-rice harvest in Minnesota is wrapping up an exceptionally good year despite threats to its future.
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Mobile Market Delivers Community, Tears Of Joy

Leah Porter set out to bring healthy, affordable food to people who don’t normally have access to it. Her Mobile…
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MN Low-Income Communities to Benefit from Solar Contest

Five teams from Minnesota are competing for $1 million in prize money to help expand solar access to lower-income communities.
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MN Lawmakers Risking Millions in Environmental Settlement

Advocates warn the Minnesota could lose it $47 million in settlement money from Volkswagen because too many people want control…
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Water Action Day is Wednesday in Minnesota

Business leaders, residents and those concerned about clean drinking water in Minnesota are converging on the state Capitol on Wednesday…
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