Live Tweet: House Children and Families Finance and Policy, Feb. 2

The House Children and Families Finance and Policy Committee met on Thursday, February 2. Check out the livetweet here.
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Testimony in Support of New Public Safety Approach; HF25 Moves Forward in House (A Collaboration with the Minnesota Women’s Press

Check out our recent coverage on public safety legislation out of the Minnesota State Legislature as part of a collaboration with the Minnesota Women’s Press. Check out the article here: Testimony in Support of New Public Safety Approach; HF25 Moves Forward in House

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New Rules Discussed to Redefine Charges for Labor Trafficking in Minnesota (A Collaboration with the Minnesota Women’s Press)

Check out our recent coverage on labor trafficking legislation, as part of a collaboration with the Minnesota Women's Press.
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Live Tweet: House Housing Finance and Policy Committee, Jan. 31

The Housing Finance and Policy Committee met on Jan. 31 to discuss HF317 and HF685.
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Live Tweet: Senate Committee on Jobs and Economic Development, Jan. 30

The Senate Committee on Jobs and Economic Development met today to discuss several bills related to job training, amongst others.
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Jan. 27: Senate Floor Session, Committee Summary

On Jan. 27 the Minnesota Senate met to discuss the PRO Act or HF/SF1 (SF 1 Status in the Senate…
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Jan. 26: Senate Floor Session, Committee Summary

On January 26, 2023 the Senate convened for a Floor Session to discuss the CROWN Act and legislation that would…
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